My Path to BACHAC

by Rafael Prado Caballero, Project Coordinator  (Newest Member of the BACHAC Team)

My name is Rafael Prado Caballero, son of Mexican immigrants. Born and raised in the Bay Area. Being born and raised in the Bay Area exposes you to various cultures, every culture shares different traditions but in one way or another they share and teach integrity. The qualities of being honest and having strong moral principles.

I started working for the event center in November 2021 and quickly became supervisor after showcasing my communication and people skills. I focused on learning the process and different roles it takes to facilitate a vaccination clinic. The event center started off with COVID testing, then switched over to mass vaxx where we would have over +2,000 appointments daily, and was only drive thru. Then we moved over to pediatric clinics and finally to a normal walk-in clinic.

Once our walk-in clinic appointments dropped under 1,000 a day we decided to provide pop up clinics in specific areas targeting low vaccination communities which is what led me to working for BACHAC. 

I networked with Marion Brown who connected me to Shakeel Ali who is my current manager at BACHAC. I’ll be working with Shakeel and the North County team and coordinating efforts of the Umoja Health Youth Peer Leadership Program with High School students in North county. Shakeel wears many hats and is a great person to work with at BACHAC. He has already taught me a tremendous amount of information regarding non profits, community health and entrepreneurship. I thank god for leading me down this path. I love providing help and it feels even better knowing it’s for my community. 

Jennifer Donahue